

Below is a table of Quizlet links. As of now, only Japanese I is fully covered. I also recommend trying out this 1000 Most Common Kana Quizlet deck I scraped and this Japanese Core 6000 Anki deck.

Class AIJ Units
Japanese 1 1.1 - 1.11
Japanese 2 1.12 - 2.*
Unit AIJ 1 AIJ 2
1 [1-1] [1-2] [1-3] [1-4] [1-5] [1-1] [1-2] [1-3] [1-4]
2 [ひらがな] [2-1] [2-2] [2-3] [2-4] [2-5] [2-6a] [2-6b] [2-漢字] [2-1] [2-2]
3 [カタカナ] [3-漢字] [3-1] [3-2] [3-3] [3-4] [3-5] [3-漢字] [3-1] [3-2] [3-3] [3-4]
4 [4-漢字] [4-1] [4-2] [4-3] [4-4] [4-5] [4-漢字] [4-1] [4-2] [4-3] [4-4]
5 [5-漢字] [5-1] [5-2] [5-3] [5-4] [5-5] [5-漢字] [5-1] [5-2] [5-3,4]
6 [6-漢字] [6-1] [6-2] [6-3] [6-4] [6-5] [6-漢字] [6-1] [6-2] [6-3] [6-4]
7 [7-漢字] [7-1] [7-2] [7-3] [7-4] [7-5] [7-漢字] [7-1] [7-2] [7-3] [7-4]
8 [8-漢字] [8-1] [8-2] [8-3] [8-4] [8-5] [8-漢字] [8-1] [8-2] [8-3] [8-4]
9 [Conj.] [9-漢字] [9-1] [9-2] [9-3] [9-4] [9-5]  
10 [10-漢字] [10-1] [10-2] [10-3] [10-4] [10-5]  
11 [11-漢字] [11-1] [11-2] [11-3] [11-4] [11-5]  
12 [12-漢字] [12-1] [12-2] [12-3] [12-4&5]